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Three Ways To Support Our Gilbert 2022 Quartermania!


Regardless of the method of support your choose, your contributions will provide rental assistance for the independent living Serious Mental Illness (SMI) population and homeless community we serve! Here three ways to support us, and don't forget to check out the additional benefits for each level of support, on the flyer!

1. Sponsor our event: Sponsoring an event is yet another area where your business can build trust with potential customers. You'll form relationships in your community with attendees, other event sponsors and the event production team

2. Purchase a Vendor Booth: Sponsoring an event is yet another area where your business can build trust with potential customers. You'll form relationships in your community with attendees, other event sponsors and the event production team.

3. Purchase a ticket: The act of helping others, donating to charity, or volunteering your time, will give you an improved sense of wellbeing. The knowledge that you've sacrificed time and/or money in order to help others in need or create positive change in the world is a beautiful thing.

Presale tickets are available on Eventbrite at Hope to see you there!

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